I don't know if everyone dreams regularly, but I have dreams every night. I'm realizing that I have definite categories of dreams.
1. Nostalgic Dreams - Sometimes takes place in my grandparents' old house...usually involves meeting someone I haven't thought about in years
2.Stress Dreams - Usually involves packing for a trip...I used to miss the plane, but in recent dreams I make the trip, but am unprepared...sometimes stuck in an airport trying to get something from home I forgot
3. Tornado Dreams - Used to be scary, running from a tornado...Now just anxious feeling as I try to find the safest place to hide (sometimes it's not a dream - there really IS a tornado :-)
4. Grocery Store or Church Dreams - This dream has the same frustrated feeling whether it takes place in a church or a store...always a strange place that I'm trying to navigate...church dream always involves the choir, like I'm supposed to sing in the choir, but I'm late or missed it somehow (also a real life event at times!)...lately the grocery store one involves trying to corral children while in the store (gee, I wonder why i would dream that?!?!)
I think there are a couple more, but I can't think of them at the moment. There are a few categories that I used to have and don't anymore - like the weird baby dreams I had when I was pregnant.
Places I found Carter (17 months) today:
-sitting on the edge of the kitchen table...tile floor below :0
-standing on the Mason's bed reaching for the fish bowl on his dresser
-sitting on his floor playing with the nightlight bulb
-sitting on the living room floor playing with the electric power strip
I see a trip to the ER with this kid in our future.