Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Fun Times

God really knew what he was doing when he designed babies. If he had made them toddlers from day one, nobody would ever have kids. So He made tiny little irresistible infants, and then supplied women a few hormones to give us the overwhelming desire to have one. Wasn't that smart? A little tricky, maybe. But smart.

Can you tell what kind of day I had yesterday? Carter's ear-piercing scream every five minutes - including at the store when it was time to get out of the little "car" cart. Have you ever tried to buckle a kicking, screaming, hitting, very strong little person in a car seat? If you have, then you know it's followed by a very loud ride home.

And I'm not even going to mention the older kid fits Mason threw all day - or the fact that he bit Carter's finger - or the smartie-pants remarks he now throws out every few minutes - OR the creative ways he finds to disobey.

Mom: That's enough of the word "poop." Do not say poop again.
Mason: I think Carter pooped in his pants.
Mom: That's one point off of your chart.
Mason: What?!?! I was JUST saying that Carter needs his diaper changed because he pooped. What's wrong with that? (FYI - There was no actual dirty diaper in the situation.)

When does school start, and do they take two-and-a-half-year-olds?


Dawn said...

LOL Oh, he is a smart one!!

I totally understand about the carseat and noise in the car. My 19mo. old does NOT like to travel.

I can't stand screaming in the car. I'm one of those moms that you see on the road who looks totally frazzled and is driving over the lines! Eek!

I'm totally dreaded the terrible twos!!

I hope today is easier for you.

Anonymous said...

You may be the funniest writer ever. I MEAN THAT.
