Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Fun Day...Before the Bicycle Wreck

We had such a fun day with the Drake family at their new house a couple of weeks ago (yes, this is a very belated post). Mason was in outdoorsman heaven with his outdoorsey friend, Kaelan - wading in creeks, "hunting" squirrels, "trapping" raccoons. Carter wasn't allowed on the Survivorman expeditions, but he had Kolson and Kendall to play video games and tire swing games with.

The day would've been perfect if everyone had decided to stay on the tire swing, but they decided to ride their bikes instead. Carter thought it would be a good idea to pedal as fast as possible down the steepest hill he could find...with obvious results.

Five stitches. Very traumatic experience with a very large needle. But two weeks later, it's all better. Lesson learned.

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