Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Back to School

I’m a few days late blogging about the first day of school…it’s actually the 6th day. Mason started 3rd grade, and Carter is a big kindergarten boy this year. This school year is a whole new world for me. I’m not teaching…and the boys are at school. I’d like to say I’m sitting on the couch, missing them terribly, crying, and looking at their photo albums. Umm…no. Although I love them dearly, I have to admit that I’m enjoying my freedom! I actually went to the store without children yesterday. It’s amazing how fast you can zip through the aisles when nobody is hanging from the basket or begging to push it.

I’ve also transformed myself into a dedicated writer. Unfortunately, no one is paying me for the hours I’m slaving over the computer keyboard. But I have a writing schedule now, which includes daily blogging and a word quota for my novel. If I finish the first draft by the end of September, I may try e-publishing by December or so. I love a new challenge! (if I can just follow through this time…)

firstdayschoolNotice the forced “Hurry up, Mom!” smiles.

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