Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Tomorrow is one of those days I will be glad to have behind me. I'm not exactly dreading it - more like anxious about it. "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, with prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God..." (Thank you KJ for making me memorize Philippians 4:4-14 all those years ago at OBU. I admit I thought you were crazy for pulling me into one of the dorm prayer rooms - that I didn't even know existed - and telling me that we were going to memorize 10 verses. That passage has come in handy a hundred times since then!)

Mason is starting kindergarten tomorrow morning. He was really excited about it earlier in the summer, and I thought it would be a breeze. Oh yeah, this is MY life - nothing is that easy! He's started saying he doesn't want to go the past few weeks. He also has had a fever off and on the past few days (Carter, too - fun stuff around here) and didn't feel great at Open House tonight. He LOVED pre-k, and I he has an awesome k teacher. So I know he'll love it once he gets used to it. I'm just ready to get the first day over with.

I also have 5 kids all day tomorrow. Unless Mason stays home with a fever. Then I'll have 6.

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