Dec. 14-22 Mason had asthma all every day and fever in the afternoon/evenings - missed the last 4 days of the school semester, including his party and Polar Express day.
Dec. 21 Mason's cardiologist visit - not great news - his heart is more enlarged and Dr.
Kimberling is looking for a surgeon to contact about a possible repair surgery - we'll discuss it in a month.
Dec. 22 We had Christmas in Tulsa with Gigi and Grandad - Mason got the pirate ship he asked (begged) for and several rocket/space toys - Carter got the castle bouncer - Mason was thrilled with his gifts until he saw the castle bouncer, which is when he asked, "Why did I just get space stuff? Did I do something bad?" - Kids!!
Dec. 23 We left Dad at home alone and traveled with Gigi and Grandad to the Texas Panhandle - Stopped off in White Deer to see Uncle Bryan, Aunt Kandy, Chris, Lorie,
Kezi, Sam, and Eli, as well as Brandon and his precious baby girl Presley, oh, and David and Jennie - Six kids/babies who had a ball playing together - Carter made fast friends with his little 'cousins' Eli and Sam - You've never seen so many
sippie cups in one room!
Dec. 24 I went to the Christmas Eve service at
FBC Borger, the church where I grew up - the most surreal experience I've had in awhile - It was a scene straight from a recurring dream I have - It was a nice service and fun to see people I haven't seen in years (decades), but I'm still not sure I was actually there.
Dec. 25 Christmas morning at Gigi and
Grandad's house - I had laid out stockings and one gift per child by the fireplace - Mason bursts through the dining room's double doors (where the Christmas tree is) and then, a few seconds later, opens the second set of doors to find me in the kitchen - "Well," he says matter-of-
factly, "I guess I was on the naughty list because Santa didn't bring me anything." - He obviously didn't notice the fireplace on his way to the tree. We don't claim the gifts are from Santa, and we certainly don't hold the 'naughty list' over his head - I guess he's thinking of the Polar Express movie.
Dec. 26 After a morning of listening to Mason's "I'm bored" chant, we got in the car and went to Amarillo to see Gran Hanna - Becky went with us, and of course we shopped a little along the way - My prize purchase was the coat I got 60% off (Did I mention that I forgot to pack any warm things for myself, including a coat? I had to buy tennis shoes at
Walmart and a few sweaters at Kohl's just to be able to dress myself the rest of the week.)