Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Great Day - Except for the Snake

I can NEVER go in my backyard again. There was a huge cottonmouth snake on our back porch - thank you Lord for sending the loudest, squawking birds to bring it to my attention! I immediately ran outside and killed it with a butcher knife - just kidding - I called animal control.

Mason has a crush, and it's so cute. He LOVES Alexis, a little girl in his class at school and at church. He gets embarrassed when he talks about her - I've never seen him act like that. It's sweet, but I feel kind of sorry for him because I don't think she likes him as much as he likes her. I didn't expect to have to deal with this at age four! We'll have to work on his 'cool' skills - like not grabbing the poor girl in a bear hug and smacking her with a big kiss on the forehead.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

for half a second,
i believed that you killed it with
a butcher's knife.
and i thought you were a
brave & crazy girl.
love you,